Run, Rosy, Run!

Yesterday, I had the sudden inspiration to run. In order to make it a point to carry it out, I included it into my Adidas Me,Myself's calendar.

At 6pm I was rolling in bed, I jumped outta it and changed into my running gear so that I wont go back on my word. I tuned my itunes (hehe), and set to run. Only thing was, ware to?

My gear, check out my new pink FBT shorts ;)
It turned out to be an hour long run along clementi ave 3 to ave 4 and all the way to Sunset way. I found a running path which I believe is the Ulu Pandan Connector Park. I love the sight of children and parents in bicycles, lady with her beloved partner, gentleman with his dog and an elderly in his blades. How delightful. However, I have to confess, I think I walked more than I ran. Haha.

Me & my rosy cheeks
I took a brisk walk home and couldnt resist that $1.10 H2O at Hon Tat mart. *refreshing!

I came home to my parents telling me how rosy I was. I looked at myself at the mirror and indeed I was! It was like blusher-gone-wrong day. Lol. Check it out.

May this run be a weekly affair from now on! ;)

Have you had your run today?

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